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Littering in Nigeria- A Call For Environmental Cleanliness

Writer's picture: Dhanista AnnemDhanista Annem

Written By: Favour D. I. Joseph

From the bustling streets of Lagos to the serene beaches of Calabar, the issue of littering seems to infiltrate every corner of our beloved Nigeria. It has turned into an unwholesome epidemic to witness, one that calls for serious attention and hopefully, reasonable action. As we resolve this problem with some form of positive spirit, it makes little sense to forget the severity of the matter itself.

I suppose it's best to address Nigerian habits first. We Nigerians, for all the vibrant and cute things we are seemingly known for, have unfortunately let the plague of littering become a habitual bane at every corner you turn. From plastic bottles casually tossed to the side, or snack wrappers scattered like confetti, some in gutters, with others sailing unashamedly into rivers, our streets find themselves left under siege by carelessness with neither warning nor preparation. Though a matter of strong opinion, it is, I believe, high time we clean up our messes and shenanigans on this issue and maybe for once represent ourselves well for others to see the true spirit of Nigerian hospitality and beauty by preserving the cleanliness of our surroundings.

Of course, admittedly, Nigeria is far from alone in this issue. Countries cutting across the world find themselves caught up in similar challenges. Taking a quick moment to spot and explore these lands of litterbugs, sailing past the Atlantic Ocean, easily dumps us in one of the lands of "convenience culture," the United States. Americans, known by all and sundry for their hard-to-exhaust ambition and inclination towards innovation, often fall trapped into the hands of needless wastefulness. From fast food wrappers taking flight like rebellious paper planes across the streets or the crumpled cans discarded mindlessly on sidewalks, even in major cities. It is an eyesore to behold, particularly for a "first-world country".

Same for Asia, where unique cultures collide into one big bang beauty. In bustling cities like Mumbai, litter is an ever-present companion to anyone who spends more than thirty seconds outside. Amongst the hustle and bustle, a colorful mosaic of casually discarded plastic bags and wrappers will easily clog your eyes with disgust and disappointment. With such large populations, Asian countries face a more uphill struggle in tackling this waste problem.

What about the originally breathtaking shores of Bali, Indonesia? Once basking in the praise of its pristine allure, this paradise now grapples with a heap of human-caused debris. Some tourists and locals, both irresponsible, have soiled the serenity of this fine island with their disregard for the state of the environment.

The list is endless. Still, in the face of this global garbage crisis, it's no use being pessimistic. After all, hope is our strongest suit as humans. There have been records of communities across the world taking up the gauntlet, swords, and thin shields, fighting the goblins that are litterbugs with unwavering severity. And campaigns promoting eco-awareness have steadily bloomed. A thing to be happy about.

I believe we have what it takes to bid farewell to our trashy dispositions and spark a global change towards a cleaner future, if not for anything, at least for our children. While this is cliché, this is the only home we have, and I daresay it deserves better than being treated like some dumpster.

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